deep thoughtz 002: Yakuza Graveyard (film talkz + fitness secrets)
zdravstvuyte everyone, hope you're having a good day. i'm kickin it nice n toasty on dis side of the innanet, rn i got crossed out 7" by (guess who) crossed out and hear nothing see nothing say nothing by discharge (tha fuckin gods) and i'm reading kindred by octavie e. butler (still) and lookin foward to the sparrow by mary doria russell (jesuits in space?!?!?!).
2 b frank fellas i'm in the mood for a study of one of my favorite films from one of my favorite directors, the punisher himself kinji fukasaku. some people call him a leader of the japanese new wave but personally i call him the fucking slayer because that's what his films do to reality. case and point: yakuza graveyard
ya see fellas this film will shatter whatever remnants you had of living a life of ideological peace in a world of destruction, because we r made to witness the story of the world's ultimate boomer. he is pretty much the definition of a bad cop, and the audience is pretty much allowed to play out a violent fantasy through his struggle to survive in a world of corruption and tragedy. so, naturally, the film is fun as fuck to watch. i swear to tha buddha b when dis guy decides to punch somebody it's not a fuckin decision he has to sit on for awhile. he is a definition hard determinist; there is no choice, there is no escape, there is only the way to go.
look at that mug goddam
tbh i had a pretty shocked reaction to this movie the first time i watched it, if only because of the confrontational nature of police violence presented but also how vicious some of the violence against women is. that doesn't mean that i think the movie is any worse because i don't think anything in the movie should b taken like real life, but it does remind me of my similar reaction to blade runner when deckard aggressively locks this vulnerable woman who he could legally kill to court her. but it's salvaged essentially by meiko kaji's stunner of a performance as a mixed korean-japanese yakuza boss's wife (yes that's in the movie). some have said on the distant desert lands that is letterboxd (perhaps that deserves it's own deep thoughtz, a venture into the wasteland) that the movie is best witnessed by skipping any scenes where she isn't in, and u could get away with that if u don't do manly man gun punch dick beefeater boxing rock n roll alcohol punch police officers kind of movie. to b frank they're a deep guilty pleasure of mine because i swear i lift more the days after i watch them.
TL;DR: life is short, the police are an unjustifiable institution, mixed ppl are just sexier, and americans haven't made a decent movie in decades
i'd put it up there with other family film classics such as fukasaku's other films battles without honor and humanity and beat takeshi's violent cop. and while ur here lemme just say that inverted rows r the secret to havin the MINIMUM muscles required to b tha man with tha master plan and if u dont drink a glass of tart cherry juice before bed ur not doing it right. oh, and also remember to sneak in a bench press in the middle of your squat sets in order to confuse the muscle groups for max muscle fiber activation technique exp bonus.
b t w
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